Pupil Premium
All schools are allocated a proportion of their funding from central government called the Pupil Premium. The main pupil premium funding allocated to a school is based on the number of pupils who currently qualify for Free School Meals (FSM), or have qualified for FSM at any point in the last 6 years, Looked after Children and children adopted after 2005. The school also receives a smaller amount of pupil premium funding for children of Services families.
The government has empowered schools to decide how best to use this funding to raise the performance of pupils eligible for the pupil premium and to close the achievement and attainment gap between them and their peers.
Core Values
At Highworth Warneford School the Headteacher, staff and governors are keenly aware of their responsibility for the welfare and academic progress of our eligible pupils. We believe all students should have an equal chance of success, irrespective of social or cultural background. We maintain high expectations but recognise that some individuals will need further support to remove learning barriers and close the attainment gap. We aim to maximise the impact of the Pupil Premium by implementing a tiered approach to spending. Our core belief is that excellent teaching and targeted intervention will allow disadvantaged students to make faster progress than their peers. Wider support strategies ensure that all students can engage fully in the school community and access enrichment opportunities.
If you think you are eligible for Free School Meals, please read the Parental Awareness letter attached below or click the following link to find out how to apply www.swindon.gov.uk/schoolmeals
If you have any questions or ideas about how the school can further support your child, please contact our Associate Assistant Head, Fiona Stanley, on fstanley@warnefordschool.org or via phone on 01793 762426 (ext 230).
Covid-19 Catch-Up Funding
Catch-up funding allocations are calculated on a per pupil basis providing each school with additional funding. The funding is designed to mitigate the effects of the unique and disruptive effects of the global pandemic. The planned expenditure of the catch-up funding is linked to the recommendations, for a tiered approach, in the Education Endowment Foundation's (EEF) COVID-19 Support Guide for schools; ensuring funds are allocated to strategies that make the biggest difference.
'Great teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve outcomes for their pupils’ (EEF COVID-19 Support Guide for schools 2020)
Highworth Warneford School will ensure the funding:
- Facilitates professional development for teaching staff, ensuring quality teaching for all and the specific needs of our learners are being met.
- Provides targeted academic support, for learners not making expected levels of progress, due to school closures.
- Supports the social and emotional needs of all pupils, during school closures and beyond.