World Mental Health Day
Sunday 10th October 2021 was World Mental Health Day. Please see our assembly below created by two of our Pastoral Captains and narrated by Mrs Lewis. Every year there is a theme and this year it is Mental Health in an unequal world.
The aim of day is to move forward together for Mental Health.
World Mental Health Day Presentation
Who can i talk to?
If you are at all worried or concerned about yours or someone else's wellbeing, do not hesitate to reach out to a trusted adult; whether that be a parent or guardian, teacher, or one of our Pastoral Captains or Champions.
Talk to the person you trust.
The school also has a new and very simple on-line referral form that you can access from your Start menu on the school network. (Remember you can access that from home as well)
Highworth Warneford School - Wellbeing Request Form - Here is a direct link to the form, just remember to sign in with your Office 365 email and password. - MIND
Mind is a charity lead by Stephen Fry, and focusses on giving out advice and support to empower people struggling with a mental illness. It spreads awareness and promotes an understanding of what mental health actually is. - MENTALLY HEALTHY SCHOOLS
Mentally Healthy Schools is a website looking at Primary, Secondary and educational settings around the UK. They plan to give parents and carers information and practical resources on pupils’ wellbeing. - KOOTH
Kooth is a safe and confidential website for children and young people to share their issues or challenges anonymously. It can aid mental wellbeing and emotional health, and is very easy to access. - CHILDLINE
Childline is a counselling service aimed at young people up to the age of 19. You can share your issues via a messaging service or you can call them at: 0800 1111 - CAMHS
CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and is a broad term for the services that work with young people who have challenges with their emotional and behavioural wellbeing. - NHS
This link is on the NHS website and can help with information on what mental health is, and how you can get help with any issues you may be facing.